Ancient Ethics for Troubled Times – Public Talk

Jon Fergus

Based on HPB’s statement that the ethics carried out in the Theosophical Society are to be found in the systems of the world’s great reformers, we will engage in a summary exploration of those ethical systems. The aim will be to better understand the nature of those ethics and their application to 21st century life. Jon is a Canadian student of Theosophy, whose focus of study is the teachings of HP Blavatsky & WQ Judge. 


Control, Purification, Sensitization of the Physical Body – Members Meeting

October 22nd  (meditation & study 6:00, meeting 7:00) Members Study

Self-Culture in the Light of the Ancient Wisdom — Book Study & Discussion

Chapter 5: Control, Purification, and Sensitization of the Physical Body

Within the limitations under which we work there are still vast possibilities of progress and advancement open to us. The first step in bringing the physical body under our control is to separate ourselves in consciousness from it and realize that we are the master of this body.

The Constitution and Functions of the Physical Body – Members Meeting

October 15 (meditation & study 6:00, meeting 7:00) Members Study

Self-Culture in the Light of the Ancient Wisdom — Book Study & Discussion

Chapter 4: The Constitution and Functions of the Physical Body

It is important to realize very clearly the function of the physical body. The proper attitude to adopt is to consider it as an instrument of the soul for its work here on the physical plane. An instrument that should be kept in order, treated and developed in such a manner that it is able to perform its specific functions with the highest degree of efficiency.

Introduction to Meditative Inquiry – Introduction to Theosophy Meeting

October 8th – Meditation & Study 6:00 PM, Introduction to Theosophy 7:00 PM

The Technique of the Spiritual Life

Chapter One: Introduction to Meditative Inquiry

On the second Tuesday of the month we will facilitate an Introductory Theosophy discussion on The Technique of the Spiritual Life by Clara Codd utilizing the study guide written by Maria Parisen. Tonight, we will begin with the Introduction to the book and the practice of Meditative Inquiry.
