Inner Transformation and Altruistic Healing – Public Talk

For a complete overview of all events go to the Schedule page on this website.

Ken Small

In The Secret Doctrine, HPB states that there exists a perception of things unseen, which can be gained by using our previous knowledge and in meditation “climbing to the loftiest summit.” Ken will share with us, a meditative journey through a sacred universe of planets, seasons and elements reflected in our daily life.

Ken is a teacher of Zen meditation, esoteric traditions, ethno-botany and a lifelong theosophist. He co-curates the Lomaland Theosophy archive at San Diego State University Library. 


Death and the Power of Living – Public Talk

Betty Bland

From the point of view of the Theosophical teachings, when we have an understanding of the process of death and dying, life takes on new meaning And by it we are drawn into a field of consciousness in which we realize all is united and permeated with love.

Betty is a past president of the TSA; after having a near death experience she was “catapulted into an intense quest of understanding, where nothing matters, but everything matters.”


The Functions of the Mental Body – Members Meeting

January 21st (meditation & study 6:00, meeting 7:00) – Members Study

Self-Culture in the Light of the Ancient Wisdom — Book Study & Discussion

Chapter 8: The Functions of the Mental Body

We shall consider in this meeting the functions of the lower mental body, the vehicle of concrete thoughts. As in the case of the emotional body the subject will be dealt with from the special point of view of a self-culturist and we will consider the facts and methods which enable us to understand and use this body efficiently.

The Training of the Emotions – Introductory Theosophy Meeting

January 14th – Meditation & Study 6:00 PMMeeting 7:00 PM

The Technique of the Spiritual Life – Book Study and Discussion Group

Chapter Five: The Training of the Emotions

The first thing we should do is to realize that we are not our feelings. As we watch them moving, urging, arising, we notice that they are motivated by the purely personal outlook. The same body expresses desire, passions, and love. Through self-knowledge we are able to cultivate the finer responses to life and begin to engage in it completely.


Hilma of Klint, Painter and Theosophist – Public Talk

Michael Carter

Hilma of Klint, (1862 – 1944) was a Swedish painter and occultist, her vibrant, innovative, and highly metaphysical paintings have firmly entered the public consciousness and finally taken their place in 20th-century art history. Here we will address how events in the early history of the Society impacted her life story and illuminate the influence of specific Theosophical teachings behind her most well-known artworks.

Michael is an artist and educator, his work is an inquiry into metaphysical theories of art and has shown extensively locally and internationally.

Blavatsky’s Esoteric View: Inner Transformation and Altruistic Healing – Public Talk

PUBLIC TALK – February 4th  (meditation 6:30, meeting 7:00)

Ken Small

In The Secret Doctrine, HPB states that there exists a perception of things unseen, which can be gained by using our previous knowledge and in meditation “climbing to the loftiest summit.” Ken will share with us a meditative journey through a sacred universe of planets, seasons, and elements as reflected in our daily life.

Ken is a teacher of Zen meditation, esoteric traditions, ethno-botany and a lifelong theosophist. He co-curates the Lomaland Theosphy archive at San Diego State University Library. 

Please bring refreshments to share