Listening – The Heart of Community – Public Talk

December 3 (meditation & study 6:00, lecture 7:00) – Public Talk

Glori Zeltzer and Leon Berg

“So when you are listening to somebody, completely, attentively, then you are listening not only to the words, but also to the feeling of what is being conveyed, to the whole of it, not part of it.” Krishnamurti’s words seem so simple yet how often do we fully listen to one another without being distracted, without judgement of what is being said, without wanting to interrupt? Join us as we explore listening and things that get in the way. Glori is a licensed marriage and family therapist with forty years of practice, specializing in relationship counseling. Leon is a founding member of The Ojai Foundation, and for the past 30 years he has been a Senior Facilitator and Trainer in the Way of Council. (please bring refreshments to share)

All the organs of sensation are situated in the emotional body and our most difficult trials and sufferings usually come from our struggles with our desire nature. When we become self-aware and master over these desires, we are already well on the path towards peace and harmony.

(Please bring refreshments to share).


The Functions of the Emotional Body – Members Meeting

November 19 (meditation & study 6:00, meeting 7:00) – Members Study

Self-Culture in the Light of the Ancient Wisdom — Book Study & Discussion

Chapter 6: The Functions of the Emotional Body

All the organs of sensation are situated in the emotional body and our most difficult trials and sufferings usually come from our struggles with our desire nature. When we become self-aware and master over these desires, we are already well on the path towards peace and harmony.

Understanding of Ourselves – Introductory Theosophy Meeting

November 12 (meditation & study 6:00, meeting 7:00)

The Technique of the Spiritual Life – Book Study and Discussion Group

Chapter II: Understanding of Ourselves

To understand the technique of the Spiritual Life we must understand ourselves. We are not only this body, which we see with the physical eyes. There is a soul, which uses the body by “osmosis,” as it were, for thought and feeling originate in the inner, subtler worlds of being. The Spirit is the third factor within us—it is the eternal, undying part, which endures forever.
