Lodge Meetings Begin October 5th

he Theosophical Society in the Ojai Valley 

Lodge Program   

for the 2021-2022 Fall Program

TSOV Lodge Study Format

Lodge study meetings will be held the first and third Tuesday evenings beginning October 5, 2021, through January 25, 2022, from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.

The Krotona Executive Committee recently informed the TSOV Board that it will be necessary to begin the Lodge program using Zoom, as they have not yet decided when they will allow in-person meetings on the Krotona site.  A general announcement prior to October 5,  along with a Zoom invitation and meeting link will be sent out to all.

The selected study book, The Ocean of Theosophy, by William Q. Judge, is available for purchase from the Krotona Bookshop and Lodge members will receive a 10% discount.  All study participants are encouraged to purchase the book as we will not be reading from the computer screen during the meetings.

Meetings will not be held on December 21 and December 28.

Member Study Format

All are welcome to participate.  Our format will be an open inquiry. 

The book contains many chapters.  The objective will be to move through the readings at a pace comfortable for the Membership which may or may not allow the group to complete one chapter during a meeting session.  

One week in advance of a scheduled meeting a general announcement will be sent and posted on our website with the assigned reading and Zoom link.  The first assignment for October 5 will be to read Chapter I, Theosophy and the Masters starting on page 1. 

It is strongly encouraged that each participant read in advance the announced selection of pages in order to familiarize themselves with the theosophical concepts that will be discussed.  For some, this may be their first introduction to such concepts.

All those who attend will be encouraged to participate and contribute to the group discussion.  We believe everyone grows by sharing, questioning, and reflecting. 

We hope to see you on October 5.

The Objects of the Theosophical Society:

  • To form a nucleus of the universal brotherhood of humanity without distinction of race, creed, gender, caste, or color.
  • To encourage the comparative study of religion, philosophy, and science.
  • To investigate the unexplained laws of nature and the powers latent in the human being.

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